Year: 2019

In a minor car accident, if there is no real damage to property, and no one is injured in the crash, then you and the other driver can leave. This is what some people call a “fender bender.” In general, however, if injuries occur in a car accident in South…

If a police officer stops you for speeding, making an illegal U-turn or committing any other traffic violation, you should think twice before you decide to admit guilt, pay the fine and move on. Every time you get cited for a traffic violation, it adds points to your driver’s…

The penalties for a first-time DUI offense in South Carolina are not as severe as they are for repeat offenses. Still, the consequences can wreak havoc on your life. If convicted, you could spend time in jail, pay fines, lose your driver’s license, be forced to obtain special insurance, and…

Parental rights are among the most fundamental rights that a person has. The right to care for and have authority over one’s children is something the courts in South Carolina take seriously. Parental rights can be terminated. However, before that happens, a case must go through several steps which…

South Carolina Lawyers Weekly recently honored attorney Thomas A. McKinney with its Leadership in Law Award during a special ceremony held March 15 at The Frances Marion Hotel in Charleston. The Leadership in Law Awards, now in their 11th year, recognize Palmetto State attorneys who go “above and beyond in their…

Driving under the influence (DUI) or driving with an unlawful alcohol concentration (DUAC) are serious offenses in South Carolina. Depending on a number of factors, the offense may be a misdemeanor or a felony. The level of offense, in turn, will determine the potential consequences you face if convicted….

Attorney Gary C. Lemel and the Fort Mill Middle School Mock Trial Team are heading to the South Carolina State Bar Middle School Mock Trial Competition this weekend in Columbia. Gary serves as a voluntary attorney coach for the team, which won the Lexington Regional Mock Trial competition. The state…

By South Carolina law, you must immediately report the accident to law enforcement if anyone is injured or killed. If law enforcement does not investigate the accident, you must submit a written report within 15 days of the accident if it involves injuries, fatalities or property damage of…