South Carolina Accident Statistics

injured driver

Did you or a loved one suffer injuries in a South Carolina car accident? You’re not alone. Collisions frequently occur in the Palmetto State, often leading to severe and fatal injuries, extensive property damage, and significant financial losses.

Statistics from the S.C. Department of Public Safety show that one person dies in a traffic accident in South Carolina every nine hours. Every 13 minutes, a wreck injures someone else. Over 1,000 motorists died and roughly 58,400 suffered injuries in a single year alone. These numbers represent real people — many who never came home and thousands more who live with serious injuries that will impact their lives forever. 

The South Carolina car accident lawyers at McKinney, Tucker & Lemel LLC have dedicated their careers to helping those who’ve been hurt due to someone else’s recklessness. We can help you seek justice and accountability for your losses after a crash.

Our personal injury law firm has decades of combined experience helping injured people seek maximum compensation for their injuries. Insurance companies will stop at nothing to keep accident victims from obtaining the money they deserve. We won’t them get away with undervaluing and underpaying you. Our attorneys are strong advocates who don’t settle for less.

Let’s get started today. Call or contact us for a consultation.

What are Some of the Main Causes of Motor Vehicle Accidents in South Carolina?

Driver negligence plays a role in the majority of car crashes. Transportation data shows motorists caused nearly 83 percent of all fatal crashes in South Carolina in a recent year. Figures also showed driver negligence played a role in 95 percent of nonfatal traffic collisions in the Palmetto State that year.

Some of the most common causes of car accidents in South Carolina include:

South Carolina law says you have a legal right to pursue compensation for your losses if you were injured in an accident due to someone else’s negligence. Our skilled car accident attorneys will launch a full, independent investigation into the accident, determine the cause, and demand compensation from every liable party.


What Are Some South Carolina Car Accident Statistics?

South Carolina is notorious for car accidents. One recent study found South Carolina has the highest fatal crash rate in the nation, with 1.97 fatalities per every 100 million miles driven. Sadly, data from the Department of Public Safety shows minimal improvements in the number of crashes from year to year.

Over five years, South Carolina saw:

  • 4,673 fatal motor vehicle accidents
  • 12,179 serious injury crashes
  • 182,005 other injury collisions

Let’s put that in human terms. In those accidents:

  • 5,030 people died
  • 14,871 suffered serious injuries
  • 282,319 sustained “other” injuries

The most current data for a recent year also found:

  • Around 1 in 18 licensed South Carolina drivers were involved in car accidents.
  • One person died in a DUI crash every 30 hours.
  • Nearly 70 percent of the drivers in fatal South Carolina collisions were male.
  • Most fatal accidents occurred between 6 p.m. and 9 p.m.
  • The majority of all traffic accidents happen on Fridays.

What are Common Types of Injuries in a Car Accident?

Even minor fender benders can lead to serious injuries, so always see a medical professional after a crash. Common car accident injuries include:

If you don’t seek treatment right after a crash, make sure to get examined within 72 hours. Wait too long, and the insurance company might deny your claim. They could argue that your injuries must not be as severe as you claim or happened in a separate accident. Remember, insurance adjusters work to protect their employer’s bottom line. They will use any excuse to deny a claim. Don’t give them one.

What Can I Do to Prevent a Car Accident?

You can’t prevent every car accident. But you can do your part to drive defensively and responsibly. Follow these safety tips:

  • Don’t get distracted. Put the cell phone down, plan your route, and limit distractions before hitting the road.
  • Select a designated driver. If you plan on drinking while you are out, assign someone to be the sober driver. Call a friend, hail a taxi, or request a rideshare if you’re on your own and too intoxicated to drive.
  • Don’t speed. Driving too fast is one of the leading causes of car accidents in South Carolina.
  • Wear your seat belt. You reduce the chance of death by 45 percent and cut your risk of serious injury in half when you buckle up.
  • Follow traffic laws. Running red lights, tailgating, and texting while driving are traffic violations in South Carolina. Obey all road rules to reduce your chances of a crash.
  • Avoid driving in hazardous conditions. If possible, avoid driving at night or in inclement weather. If you must drive, pay close attention to your surroundings and watch for potential road hazards.
  • Regularly maintain and inspect your vehicle. Regular oil changes, tire rotations, and routine maintenance help ensure your car is ready for the road.

Contact a South Carolina Car Accident Lawyer

You shouldn’t have to pay the price for someone else’s carelessness. If you or someone you love sustained injuries in a South Carolina car accident, get help from a car accident lawyer from the law firm of McKinney, Tucker & Lemel LLC. You can count on us to build a strong legal claim to support your case for maximum compensation.

We understand that navigating the legal system is the last thing you want to do right now. There’s good news: We can do all the heavy lifting for you. While we prepare a strong case and demand fair compensation from the insurance company, you can focus on healing and getting your life back on track.

Put our car accident attorneys to work for you today. Call or contact us for a consultation.

Author: Jim Tucker

After he graduated from the University of South Carolina School of Law in 1987, Jim Tucker joined the law firm of McKinney, Givens & Millar in Rock Hill. He has remained with successor firms at the same location ever since while focusing his practice in the areas of family law and personal injury law. Jim is licensed in South Carolina and North Carolina, and he represents clients in both states at the trial and appellate levels. Jim is also a certified mediator and a highly active member of several state and local legal organizations who once served as President of the York County Bar Association.