Tega Cay Car Accident Attorney

Were you injured in a car accident due to someone else’s irresponsible, careless, or otherwise negligent actions in Tega Cay, South Carolina? If so, dealing with painful injuries and treatment while also trying to get back to work and your everyday life can be overwhelming.

Tega Cay car accident lawyer at McKinney, Tucker & Lemel LLC can help you seek compensation from the at-fault party to help you pay your bills, recoup lost wages, and move on with your life.

Help is just a phone call or online contact form away. With 40 years of experience helping people injured in motor vehicle accidents in Tega Cay, South Carolina, our team has the skills and resources you need on your side. Let us stand up and fight for you. Contact us for a consultation of your case.

Why Should I Hire a Lawyer After a Tega Cay Car Accident?

Insurance companies are for-profit businesses that are accountable to their shareholders. Since their goal is to make money, their adjusters are incentivized to minimize the amount the company pays out on claims. If you aren’t familiar with the tactics that insurance adjusters use to diminish or deny claims, you could end up with less than you deserve.

Hiring an attorney after a motor vehicle accident in Tega Cay, has many benefits. If you hire McKinney, Tucker & Lemel LLC, we can:

  • Launch an independent investigation into the accident and quickly collect evidence to support your claim.
  • Calculate the losses you suffered due to the accident.
  • Draft a carefully worded demand letter and ensure all your forms are correctly filled out.
  • Communicate with the insurance adjuster on your behalf.
  • Negotiate a settlement with the insurance company.
  • File a personal injury lawsuit for you if the insurance company refuses to accept liability or fails to offer a fair settlement.
  • Guide you through the legal process and offer you competent legal counsel.
  • Represent you in court, advocate for your interests, and protect your rights.

Working with a knowledgeable South Carolina car accident lawyer can significantly increase your chance of obtaining the full and fair compensation you deserve.

damaged car after a side impact accident

What Are Some Common Causes of Car Accidents in South Carolina?

Some of the most common causes of car accidents in Tega Cay include:

  • Distracted driving (such as texting or talking on the phone)
  • Drunk or drugged driving
  • Driver fatigue
  • Speeding or driving too fast for conditions
  • Tailgating (following too closely)
  • Reckless driving
  • Aggressive driving and road rage
  • Inclement weather and road hazards

Is South Carolina a Fault or No-Fault State?

Driver negligence is a common factor in the vast majority of car accidents. South Carolina is a fault-based state, which means that if you were involved in a car accident that a negligent motorist caused, you have a right to file a claim for damages with that person’s insurance policy.

How Is Fault Determined in a Tega Cay Car Accident?

To establish fault for a car accident, your attorney will collect various pieces of evidence to demonstrate negligence. Common types of evidence used to prove car accident claims include:

  • Information from the police report
  • Photos and videos taken at the scene
  • Witness testimony
  • Accident reconstruction expert testimony
  • Medical and mental health expert testimony
  • Traffic camera and nearby surveillance camera footage
  • Medical records
  • Hospital and doctor visit bills
  • Pay stubs showing evidence of missed work
  • Cell phone data

What Is the South Carolina Statute of Limitations for My Car Accident Claim?

In most cases, the statute of limitations for a car accident lawsuit is three years in South Carolina. That means you must file a personal injury lawsuit against the at-fault party within three years of the accident.

Most personal injury claims settle before they ever reach the trial stage, but if you do need to take legal action to get the compensation you deserve, you must do it within the allotted time. Should you fail to file your lawsuit within that time period, you will have forfeited the opportunity to have your lawsuit heard in court.

What Is My South Carolina Car Accident Claim Worth?

Every case is unique, but the more severe and costly your injuries are, the higher your claim’s value. Calculating the value of your claim will depend on the specific damages you suffered. You could recover compensation for:

  • Medical costs
  • Lost income if you are unable to work while you are being treated
  • Reduced future earning capacity
  • Pain and suffering

In some cases, plaintiffs can also seek punitive damages from the at-fault party. If you can prove that the defendant acted in a way that was exceptionally reckless or intentionally caused you harm, then a jury might award you punitive damages.

What Are The Steps You Should Take After a Car Crash in Tega Cay?

There are several steps you should take in the hours, days, and weeks after a car accident to protect your rights:

  • Seek medical attention. A medical professional should evaluate you as soon as possible after the accident, even if you don’t feel injured at first. Some potentially severe conditions may not show immediate symptoms, but a complete medical exam can uncover them and allow potentially life-saving treatment.
  • Gather evidence. You should collect evidence at the scene, including photos and witness contact information. The evidence that you collect in the direct aftermath of the accident could significantly impact the success of your claim.
  • Collect documents. Gather all documentation related to your case, make copies of these documents for your attorney, and bring them to your initial consultation.
  • Keep a journal. Taking daily notes about your physical pain and mental and emotional states can provide important details that you could otherwise forget. Your attorney can use your journal to document your non-financial losses.
  • Avoid social media. Don’t post about the accident on social media until your case has been resolved. Insurance companies will scour your social media profiles for any information they can use to reject or devalue your claim.
  • Consult with an experienced car crash lawyer. Auto insurance claims can be intimidating and confusing, but a skilled attorney can help you navigate the claims process, identify your specific needs, and pursue a favorable outcome.

Contact a Car Accident Lawyer in Tega Cay Today

If you were injured in a car accident, contact the Tega Cay personal injury attorneys at the law firm of McKinney, Tucker & Lemel LLC right away for a consultation. We are ready to sit down with you to discuss your accident, your injuries, and how they’ve impacted your life.

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